Erika Kerwin was wonderfully successful in raising money for a grand piano for the newly-refurbished Old Town Hall. In fact, she raised a total of $56,000 by selling 88 keys --shown by a plaque honoring the donors – and by private donations. Sheila Vandikas found out from the Steinway Gallery about an estate sale featuring a Steinway grand piano, and the Town was able to buy it for $40,000 -- it was probably worth more like $100,00. A special concert was held to celebrate the purchase of the piano as well as the 20th anniversary of VPAN on June 13, 2017. It showcased the best young piano talents, notably the Vandikas children. The balance of the money raised is in a special account with the Town and is to be used, as needed, for classical music concerts.
88 keys, if you please!
white keys, black keys—88 please!