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  • Campbell/Afiara


  • Sunday, March 06, 2016
  • 2:00 PM
  • Newmarket Theatre


  • Includes all three shows in the series

How very fortunate we are to have renowned clarinetist James Campbell in Newmarket to perform next Sunday at the Newmarket Theatre!  Just take a peek at his bio below - we are sure you will want to be in the audience to cheer him on along with the Afiara String Quartet and his son, guitarist/composer Graham Campbell. - lush chamber sound meshes elegantly with the sound of jazz.

They present music ranging from Mozart to Brazilian choro, the new urban music of Brazil.  This musical partnership is a unique and welcome experience.

The first half of the program will be traditional Haydn, von Weber and Brahms and the second half will swing with a jazz beat!  

James Campbell, clarinet

James Campbell, “Canada’s pre-eminent clarinetist and wind soloist” (Toronto Star) has won this title from his five television specials, more than 40 recordings, a Juno Award, a Roy Thomson Hall Award , Canada’s Artist of the Year, the Queen’s Jubilee Medal and Canada’s highest honour, the Order of Canada.

He has performed solo and chamber music concerts in many of the world’s great concert halls – like London’s Wigmore Hall, Paris’s Theatre Champs-Elysees, and many others. He has been a soloist with over 60 orchestras, he has performed Copland’s Clarinet Concerto four times with Aaron Copland conducting, and he has appeared with over 30 string quartets.

Many of his recordings have won international acclaim: his recording of the Brahms Clarinet Quintet with the Allegri Quartet was voted “Top Choice” by BBC Radio3 and the London Times, and “Stolen Gems” a recording of lighter classics, won a Juno Award. 

Since 1985 James Campbell has been Artistic Director of the Festival of the Sound, the annual summer Canadian chamber music festival in Parry Sound, Ontario.  He has been Professor of Music at the prestigious Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University since 1988. 

To order tickets for any of the Three for the Show concerts, call the Newmarket Theatre Box Office at (905) 953-5122, or visit the theatre website at www.newmarkettheatre.ca

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